

Corals require carbonates for the calcification of the calcareous skeleton of all LPS and SPS corals. This element is also essential for maintaining the pH of our aquarium correctly, as it reacts with acidic compounds produced by the various organisms in the aquarium that also deplete this element.

Maintaining alkalinity at a stable value without fluctuations is a very important point in reef aquariums, which is why it is recommended to maintain this value between 7 – 12 dKH (2.5 – 4.3 mEq/l) and thus keep the pH around 8.3.

It is not advisable to raise KH above 12, as it will cause a decrease in calcium concentration. Therefore, it is recommended to use this additive only to make corrections to the KH measured in our aquarium and to use a balanced additive that provides this element in a balanced way with the rest of the additives in our aquarium. For this purpose, within our range, we have the Xepta Reef Balance balanced additive.

Content: Carbonate salts.

How to use: 5g of Xepta KH+ increases the KH content by 1.5 dKH in 100 liters of aquarium water. It can be added directly to the aquarium with the necessary amount of KH+ to increase the KH value of our aquarium in an area of strong current or it can be diluted in osmotic water. To do this, prepare 5 liters of osmotic water and mix 500g of KH+. To aid dissolution, it is recommended to preheat the water to no more than 50°C and then add the 500g of KH+. The solution should be completely clear and crystalline. Once the 5-liter solution is prepared, 10 ml of this solution will increase the KH by 0.3 dKH per 100 liters of aquarium water.