XEPTA Reef Balance
Hard corals (SPS and LPS) consume a specific ratio of salts for their growth, which must be replenished in the aquatic environment. Seawater contains all the elements known on Earth, some of which are unnecessary for the proper development of the corals commonly kept in our aquariums today. Corals in seawater have access to these elements almost constantly through the water circulating among them, a condition not replicated in aquariums. Due to the closed nature of aquarium systems, the presence of skimmers, and filtration methods using resins, it is necessary to consistently supplement these elements.
Xepta Reef Balance is a system resulting from research on the impact of various trace elements present in seawater on corals. It is innovative and pioneering in marine aquarium keeping. After these studies, a comprehensive product has been developed, eliminating the need for multiple containers as required in other methods. This simplifies aquarium maintenance, making it more understandable for novice enthusiasts. It is a 100% balanced system primarily composed of three components that replenish the salts consumed by corals (Ca, kH, and MG) and the trace elements necessary for proper growth, development, and coloration. The uniqueness of this system lies in its balanced composition, which does not disturb the ionic balance of the aquarium. It replenishes not only Kh, Ca, and Mg (the parameters normally controlled) in a balanced and proportionate manner but also provides all the necessary and indispensable trace elements for the correct coloration and growth of corals, maintaining the balance of dissolved salts in our reef aquariums. Therefore, it is not a system to increase Ca, Kh, and Mg parameters on demand but respects the proportions of these elements in the water of our aquariums as they occur naturally in the marine environment.
It is presented in three containers, already mixed and prepared for dissolution and use. Being a balanced system, a ratio must be maintained between the addition of different components as follows: three parts of the Kh part additive, one part of the Ca part additive, and one part of the Trace part additive. This is essential for the additives to function correctly. You can refer to our guide where we have several examples.
XEPTA Reef Balance Kh Part
Replenishes carbonate consumption by increasing or maintaining the ºdKh value in the aquarium.
Content: Sales carbonate.
35ml of this solution increases the KH level by 1º dKH in a volume of 100 liters of aquarium water.